How can land management contribute to climate change mitigation?

July 18, 2022

a well-thought one-paragraph answer to each question below that it’s based on the book or sources that are attached. 1- How can land management contribute to climate change mitigation? 2- What are some potential problems with forest carbon sequestration? 3- Find and share another example of natural carbon sequestration. How promising do you find this approach to be? 4- Consider the different active carbon removal strategies in this lecture. Rank them in the order of efficacy in your opinion. Now rank them again in the order which you think is most likely to be implemented. Do these rankings match? Why or why not? 5- Consider stakeholders that would be for and against different carbon removal strategies. What reasons do these entities have for promoting or discouraging these strategies? What compromises might need to take place? 6- How promising do you find carbon removal strategies overall? What are the biggest positives and potential downsides of implementing carbon removal strategies? 7- What are the biggest positives and negatives of nuclear energy? Why is the potential role of nuclear energy in addressing climate change so heavily debated? 8- Would you advise the US to increase nuclear energy, decrease, or maintain the same level of nuclear production moving forward? Why would you choose this path and what would it mean for U.S. emissions?

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