What is Monster?

July 10, 2022

We will be replying to my peers discussion which I will list below. The minimum words is 150 and it has to be written MLA style. I’ll list the files at the bottom and there is a YouTube video to watch also.

Lula Seaton
Jul 8, 2022 at 12:50 PM
Lula Seaton

Dr. Hufnagle


July 8, 2022

Discussion #2 What is Monster?

Considering what I think I know about monsters and still all that is unknown, I have my own views of what a monster is. A monster is and always will be the ugly awful creature that lurks only at night as soon as its dark outside and inside of our homes. In Aristotle’s Metaphysics of Monsters and Why We Love Supernatural, I agree with the authors descriiption of what monsters are. They are, “creatures that are large, ugly, and frightening” (16). In my imagination, they are always ugly and terrifying. They come to haunt you and terrorize you while sleeping and even can cause sleep paralysis. There are no good monsters they are all bad and they all want to scare you and hurt you. “Being a monster implies being something unpleasant, repulsive, and very scary” (16). The authors suggest that not all monsters are ugly, however, I disagree. Examples of disguised monsters would be werewolves and vampires. Werewolves and vampires are from the supernatural monster category. Werewolves and vampires are a lot like humans, “they look like humans, have eyes like humans, walk like humans” but they are not humans. These creatures are sneaky, and they have internal evil plots, “they use physical attractions to lure unsuspecting victims to their death” (21). I have always been intrigued by vampires and fascinated on their existence. These blood sucking creatures arouse my curiosity with their stealthy movements and ageless features. I still feel like even with their disguises they are ugly creature because their ugliness comes from the inside and from their evil doings.

An evil presence that kills or causes harm to the living is what makes a monster a monster. Monsters seek to cause damage, create fear, they terrorize all who comply in fearing them. Monsters are an “evil and unnatural sign or omen” (17). Monsters are difficult to categorize or classify because they come in all forms; some forms that even shapeshift and they come from many different realms. They are creatures that are disturbing in ever since of the word. These creatures lack emotions and empathy they have no feelings, as to why they are can complete the task of death. Not all monsters are physically unpleasant for instance, “The Benders” were an evil family of humans that haunted other humans and killed them. These kinds of evil humans are labeled monsters as well. Any creature indifferent from the living that embodies a spirit of evilness is what makes a monster.

Humans’ connection to the idea of monsters is through our fears of the unknown. In the classical period and even present day, humans have depicted beings that are different than the “norm” as monsters. They have associated people with abnormalities, body malformations, darker skin, and as well as different sexualities with monsters. They felt as though these creatures that looked different had an “terrifying appearance to those beholding them” (10). The human connection to monsters is also through truth and fantasy. In novels, plays, and movies, created by humans portray monsters as gross goblins that are evil. As humans we feel we are the superior of all beings and that monsters are beneath us. By creating stories of fear humans justify killing monsters to insure we are better than them. Humans fear monsters but they gravitate to them because they are an enigma to our self-conscious minds.

Word Count: 566

Work Cited

Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. “1-25.” “Monster Culture (Seven Theses). Monster Theory: Reading Culture, edited by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, University of Minnesota, 1996, pp. 1–25.

Foresman, Galen A., and Francis Tobienne. “2.” Aristotle’s Metaphysics of Monsters and Why We Love Supernatural, edited by Galen A. Foresman, First ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013, pp. 16–25.

Crashcourse, director. Monster. They’re Us, Man: Crash Course World Mythology #36. YouTube, YouTube, 1 Dec. 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0T3gpfH_-w. Accessed 8 July 2022.

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