Discuss diversity issues as you have experienced them in the workplace or in the classroom.

July 9, 2022

Discuss diversity issues as you have experienced them in the workplace or in the classroom. Be sure to answer the following questions:

In your view, what can be done to promote greater acceptance of diversity in both settings?

If a protected group were underrepresented in any area within the organization, how would you develop goals and timetables to achieve parity with the external labor market?

What specific programs and/or activities would you implement to achieve your goals?

What type of internal auditing and reporting system would you develop for these programs and activities?

How would you develop support for affirmative action, both inside and outside the company?

Summarize your findings in a 2-3 page paper. Please use APA style throughout your paper. You are required to provide a title page, body of the paper, and outside scholarly references. Please provide 2 references.

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