Did the company raise its prices more than the increase in input materials and labor?

July 7, 2022

For this week’s discussion, I’d like for you to consider the firm you work for and how the company is doing financially (profit margins) during this period of high inflation. Did the company raise its prices more than the increase in input materials and labor? Has the company seen lower sales due to lower demand – or maybe due to its higher pricing? Discuss the issues from your firm’s point of view. If data for the 2022 (Q1) isn’t available, you can still discuss based on what you are seeing either at the firm or in the business press.

If you don’t work for a firm where this type of info is easy to access or estimate, pick a firm or industry where you might find some data. The key is that no matter whether you use your own firm or a different firm (or industry), you will still need at least one CREDIBLE outside source (i.e., from WSJ, Business Week, Forbes, etc.). This does not need to include any analytics

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