Why is it important to address this issue?

July 5, 2022

INSTRUCTIONS: Each student is expected to review the discussion board regularly. Every student must first develop an intellectual opinion about the subject answering the questions provided and then provide a thought-provoking overall response to his/her group peers’ opinions.

The Initial Post (“Opinion Post”): Students will post their thoughts on the topic based on other published, peer-reviewed articles or readings. To receive credit for initial postings, each student will cite at least one reference from a peer reviewed journal source written in English and post an opinion of at least 250 words (maximum 350 words). A maximum of 18 points are available for the initial post and 12 for the response post (30 points total).
Children’s Weight: The Role of Mom
Mother’s weight can have a significant impact on the weight of their children. “We rely on women to serve as the “Chief Health Officer‟ for the family, but with more than a third being obese themselves, we’re unlikely to break the cycle with children without finding ways for moms to overcome their weight problems as well,” said Christine Ferguson, professor at The George Washington University and Director of the STOP Obesity Alliance. “What’s more, achieving healthier weights for women, whether they are mothers or not, will mean a healthier society overall. Unfortunately, significant barriers stand in the way.”

Read the following documents:

Press release: Overcoming childhood obesity means addressing mom’s weight issues as well (Links to an external site.)

Official statement from STOP Obesity Alliance and the collaborating partners:

https://medicalxpress.com/news/2010-07-childhood-obesity-mom-weight-issues.html (Links to an external site.)

Using specific professional examples to support your responses, please answer the following questions:

Imagine you are the director of the Hillsborough County Health Department. You have been asked to develop an intervention to address women’s weight issues to prevent childhood obesity among 1 specific minority group. For example, you may choose to focus on individuals who self identify as Black, African American, Hispanic, Latinx, Native American, Alaska Native, Asian, or Pacific Islander. This recommendation should not focus only on doctor-patient interactions (HINT: For ideas, refer to the Child Obesity PPT lecture for a refresher on the Ecological Model. Think through your answers at each level of the SocioEcological Model). This assignment should be completed with the goal of creating an effective intervention for parents and children and should not focus on blaming mothers or shaming cultural practices for childhood obesity.
1. Why is it important to address this issue?
2. Why is it important to address this issue among your selected minority group? (choose just one minority group)
3.What would you propose? Why? Be specific in describing your proposed intervention. (Choose at least 1 scholarly article* to use as a reference in your response. Make a scientific argument do not just state your opinion).
*Tip: When you search scholarly journal databases (such as PubMed), try using search words and combinations such as: prevalence childhood obesity; childhood obesity programs; mother AND childhood obesity, parents AND childhood obesity; child weight AND mother; maternal nutrition and childhood obesity; childhood obesity AND ethnic minorities

NOTE: Make sure you justify your answer. Explain your answers thoroughly. Follow all guidelines on the grading rubric! Be sure to consult your rubric (found under the Discussion Board tab) for this assignment and adhere to all of the guidelines for maximum points! Make ONE response post that takes ALL of your group’s initial post into consideration. DO NOT make an individualized response to each group member. Please consult APA guideline resources on the memo page, the instructions are very easy to follow.

IMPORTANT: To participate in each of these discussions, DO NOT create a new forum! Instead, click on the title of this forum and respond to the current thread.

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