respond to crime and neutralize threats of terrorism.

July 2, 2022

Your a Emergency Manager The City manager wants to know what plans need to be made if a nuclear plant is built east of Utopia and how do we make sure that citizens are protected. She also points out that after a flood several years ago several homes were damaged along the waterfront, insurance rates have skyrocketed, The City manager wants to know what should be done about that.  She asks that you give some consideration to any problems that Utopia may face in the future how can you fix the flooding and if a nuclear plant is built how do we make sure the people are safe?

Please use the topics 1 threw 4 to explain your plan. Thank you

1 respond to crime and
neutralize threats of terrorism.

2 Explain strategies
of mitigation, preparedness, response and

3 Provide security solutions that mitigate those risks.

4 Uses strategies to reduce corporate
information system risks.

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