Do you believe Socrates made a valiant appeal to defend himself from the three accusations by the people of Athens (that is Corrupting the youth, denying the Gods, and making the weaker argument the stronger) or did Socrates arrogantly double down in his “philosophical hill” over the people of Athens?

June 26, 2022

Plato, Five Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo (Second Edition, 2002), ISBN: 0872206335

Do you believe Socrates made a valiant appeal to defend himself from the three accusations by the people of Athens (that is Corrupting the youth, denying the Gods, and making the weaker argument the stronger) or did Socrates arrogantly double down in his “philosophical hill” over the people of Athens? Which led to his condemnation anyway. What does it tell us when Socrates submits to the law of Athens instead of running away with Crito when he also demonstrated that the majority of the citizenry lacked wisdom? are the laws by proxy illegitimate?

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