Do scientists have a moral obligation to use chemistry for purposes like the one stated above?

June 1, 2022

According to the textbook, “A recent area of research involves the development of paper-based measuring devices. For example, the nonprofit organization Diagnostics for All (DFA) based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has invented a paper-based device to detect proper liver function. In this test, a drop of the patient’s blood is placed on the paper, and the resulting color that develops can be used to determine whether the person’s liver function is normal, worrisome, or requires immediate action. Because these paper-based devices are cheap, disposable, and easily transportable, they are especially useful in developing countries” (Zumdahl/DeCoste , 2019). In your initial post to the discussion, answer the following questions:

Do scientists have a moral obligation to use chemistry for purposes like the one stated above? Why or why not?
How else can chemistry be used to make a positive impact on the world?
How might chemistry be misused to have a negative impact? What measures can scientists put in place to remove that threat?

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