Select an artefact of popular culture that explores a political issue.

May 29, 2022

1) Select an artefact of popular culture that explores a political issue. Do not select the same artefact and issue as your first assignment(social media).
Please select movie.
Please select movie.
Please select movie.
2) Explain and critique how the artefact treats the political issue. Specifically: what is the artefact ‘saying’ (whether this be intentional or not), and what is your assessment of what the artefact is saying?
In your response, you can consider a variety of ways that meaning is created. For instance:
If you choose a movie, you can consider plot, dialogue, themes, key scenes, camera techniques, editing, casting, costumes, setting, music, and so on.
If you choose a song or album you can consider lyrics, visuals (the music video, a live performance, an album cover), the relationship between the lyrics and visuals, various musical techniques (if you feel confident here), the context in which the song appeared, the context of a performance (if relevant) and so on.
3) Consider the political effect. Does the artefact reinforce the status quo or push for change (or possibly do something else)? Also consider the extent to which the artefact has had a political impact.

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