Explain some of the reasons why a specific product, product category OR company (choose one) has been impacted and why.

May 18, 2022

Midterm Exam (100 points)
Please be sure to read and answer each question in its entirety.
Answers will be graded on your ability to demonstrate your understanding of the topic using the material covered in class (I will attach some of the materials from the class that could help you), your reading, as well as your outside research.
If outside research is used, please paraphrase in your own words, and avoid using direct quotes.
Outside research must be properly referenced.
1. COVID-19 has disrupted supply chains across various product categories.Explain some
of the reasons why a specific product, product category OR company (choose one) has been
impacted and why. What are some of the long-term consequences you expect to see because
of this? Based on what you have learned so far, what are your recommendations as to how
companies can better prepare their supply chains in the future? Please be specific. (25 points)
2. Define and explain the difference between a push and pull supply chain. Explain why a
company would decide to use one strategy over the other, and when they would use blended
approach of the two. Are there any benefits for using one over the other? How would you
recommend a company to go about choosing which strategy would work with their
product? (25 points)
3. We can predict various characteristics of a product, such as, the nature of demand, the
expected product lifecycle, and potential consumer behavior. Please give an example of a
specific product and explain the demand behavior within each of the below product
characteristics. Explain at least two challenges that need to be considered when creating a
forecast and how you would overcome any potential uncertainty or errors made. (25 points)
i. Product with a short lifecycle and unpredictable demand
ii. Product with a long lifecycle and stable, predictable demand
4. Compare and contrast some of the risks and benefits of outsourcing to a non-domestic
supplier versus a domestic supplier. What are some of the ethical sustainable business practices that must be considered? In your opinion, is there one choice (domestic or non-domestic)
that would be considered the more sustainable choice? Why? (25 points)

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