Which specific topic of this year’s UNPFII theme relates to your topic and why?

May 18, 2022

Below are the questions that needs to be covered in the paper.
Which specific topic of this year’s UNPFII theme relates to your topic and why?
– Give a historical/ or background context to your topic.
-its role and its importance
– What are the underlying causes of the issue (removal of the great council of chiefs ) and why?
– What are the effects of the issue and why?
-How does it affect the indigenious people of Fiji
-Compare the great council of chiefs to other chiefly systems in the Pacific
– In what ways has the UNITED NATIONS addressed/ intervene/ or resolved the issue? In what ways have they struggled or failed in addressing the issue?
– What are the power dynamics that affect the issue? Has this power dynamic complicated or helped resolve the issue?
– What recommendations have been implemented? What recommendations would you suggest?
*You should also refrain from using a single scholarly source throughout the paper.
Scholars usually disagree with one another and a good paper will draw from various perspectives to better understand the topic.
*CITATIONS are important

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