What is your specific evidenced-based idea?

May 17, 2022

1. What is your specific evidenced-based idea? Who will it impact (i.e. people, group, or organization) and what wicked problem will it attempt to alleviate? What are the specific components of your idea and how will it work?
2. What is the nature of the wicked problem you’re trying to address? And what are the specific aspects that uniquely impact the audience you’re serving? In other words, how does this wicked problem uniquely impact the specific people, community, or organizations you’re aiming to serve with your idea?
3.Explain how government interventions and actions (e.g. policies, government organizations, and etc) have previously and currently aim to alleviate the problem you’re addressing. How have government interventions made the problem worse? You have to identify and explain at least one specific policy and/or activities of government agencies salient to your idea.
4. Where and how does your idea fit in the political landscape (hint: this was discussed at the beginning of the book). How do you anticipate it making meaningful change in the political landscape?
5. How and why is your idea innovative? In other words, how is it different than other public sector or private sector solutions that already may exist? Or is this a brand new innovation that does not exist at all?
BONUS: These are additional responses that are to be added to the 2000 word count for the required questions.
6. How will you evaluate if your idea is successful or not? What specific kinds of research and evaluation will. you do? What measurements and indicators will be useful to illustrate the strength of your work?
7. What are three challenges you anticipate in developing and implementing your idea?
8. How will you promote your idea to increase engagement and political support for it? How might you leverage the power of policy or political lobbying and advocacy to do this?
You are to complete each exercise in the book chapter. Rather than submit via the online via the book, you will need to submit a separate paper with your responses via TurnItIn on Canvas.
You are to demonstrate that you reviewed all of the learning material (including additional links) and conducted research to find and develop your answers. Provide citations (i.e. quotes and sources) where necessary (i.e. when you’re not using your own words, ideas or analysis). Not using citations for work that is not yours is considered plagiarism. Your responses should also be coherent and well constructed with proper grammar, syntax, spelling, and organization.

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