Is there a state in this film? If there is a state, would you say the state is strong in terms of autonomy or capacity?

April 28, 2022

1. Is there a state in this film? If there is a state, would you say the state is strong in terms of autonomy or capacity? What about scope?
2. What form of legitimacy does the government use in order to appeal to the people?
3. Are there ethnic or national divisions in the political systems? Or are socio-economic class divisions more important? What about gender?
4. How would you describe the ideology of the political system?
5. What is the regime type?
a. If it is democratic, how can people directly or indirectly participate? What is the structure and characteristics of the three branches of government?
b. If it is non-democratic, what type of non-democratic regime would you say best describes this government? What is the structure and characteristics of the government, and what are the techniques used to maintain power?

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