Outline the main principles surrounding Psychoanalysis and choose a problem related to a belief in Psychoanalysis as a  pseudoscience.

April 27, 2022

Outline the main principles surrounding Psychoanalysis and choose a problem related to a belief in Psychoanalysis as a  pseudoscience. Then go on to explain how real science can be the solution to the problem you identified.
Discuss your pseudoscience choice
Outline a problem related to that pseudoscience. Why is it a problem if people believe in what this pseudoscience claims to do?
Explain how Science can solve the problem people are looking to solve with the pseudoscience.
discuss and evaluate the positive and negative issues associated with the use of your chosen pseudoscience, relating to one factor from the following: moral, ethical, social, economic, political, cultural or environmental;
express all your ideas in appropriate scientific language.

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