How was your knowledge about Deaf Culture and the Deaf Community enhanced?

April 24, 2022

This assignment will represent your reflection about the documentary, “See What I’m Saying”. Discuss your thoughts, observations and the impact the individuals in the movie had on you. This is not a “report” or synopsis of the documentary. I know what the movie says. I want to know what the movie says to YOU.
How was your knowledge about Deaf Culture and the Deaf Community enhanced? (Culture & Communities)
What differences did you notice about the signers’ ASL (or sign language)? (Communication, Comparisons)
List 10 new signs you learned with their beginning and ending handshapes (Communication)
Which character impacted you the most and why? (Connections)
Use one statement from the movie that made an impact on you or that taught you something or that you can relate to (evidence-based learning)
The movie can be found on the website below and it is an hour and a half long.
Your paper should be at least 4-5 academic paragraphs (8-10 sentences each).
Link to the documentary:
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Discipline: American Sign Language (ASL)

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