Discuss the organizations offerings, competitive environment and strategy.

April 22, 2022

You are to identify an organization where you will observe, research, and analyze their operations.  You may find you do more research than observation or vice versa.  I would suggest an organization that you are currently involved with. You can pick one that provides either a product or service.  You will want to be able to understand how they have organized their work and perform the activities that add value to their offerings.  Develop a plan you will use to acquire information and perform an analysis
You are to relate material covered in the course to your experience at the selected organization. You should address content from each of the following subject areas:
Discuss the organizations offerings, competitive environment and strategy. Consider the connection from mission through operating procedures (P. 45).
What kind of forecasting do they/should they do
What constraints do they have on Capacity adjust (flexibility) to changes in demand
Facility layout and process design – Current status, areas needing improvement, your suggestions
How are some specific work packages designed and measured (analyze a few critical examples but not every work package)
What factors were considered or should have been considered in determining their facility location. Use one of the analysis tools discussed in the course
What evidence of Quality management and control did you see. Describe how the organization performs Quality Management, Quality Control, and Quality Assurance (look for evidence of lean, JIT, continuous improvement etc.,)
How does the organization conduct Aggregate Planning, Master Scheduling, and MRP/ERP (It would be really good if they let you look at their plans)
Describe the organizations inventory management. (See if you can find out their inventory turns)
How does the organization work with its supply chain (Should tie in with the MPS and MRP)
If relevant to your organization how do they conduct queue management (waiting line theory)
You are to submit a full report of your findings using MS Word.  Any tables, figures, or diagrams should be embedded.  I would expect this report to be 10 pages at a minimum. You should have an introduction, body, and conclusion with headings and subheadings.  Use APA format.  If your submission has spelling and grammar or APA errors that make the report difficult to read and understand, it will result in a 10% deduction.

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