For your final project, you are required to prepare either a PowerPoint presenta

July 9, 2024

For your final project, you are required to prepare either a PowerPoint presentation with audio or a video presentation. Please choose a healthcare administration management system or information technology system of your choice and cover the following aspects in your presentation: 1) system benefits, 2) potential drawbacks, and 3) reasons for implementing this specific system as a practice manager.
Potential topics include: types of medical practice management systems, syndromic surveillance, computer modeling of disease, information technology in radiology (digital imaging techniques), information technology in surgery (types of robotic devices), information technology in pharmacy, telemedicine (teledenistry, teledermatology, telecardiology, teleneurology, telepsychiatry).
Need 10 slides and we dont really need a bunch of words or speaker notes, ididnt see an option for that

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