ESSAY TOPIC: We should relinquish certain technologies. Please explain why you a

July 8, 2024

ESSAY TOPIC: We should relinquish certain technologies. Please explain why you agree with this statement.
ChatGPT or AI to create text is unacceptable
argumentative essay, clear thesis, and make clear points supporting your thesis in each paragraph.
A BIBLIOGRAPHY/REFERENCES PAGE IS NECESSARY: a bibliography that clearly references all of the print and electronic sources you’ve looked at in order to write your paper. PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES
at least three (3) different sources All sources should appear in your bibliography.
ADEQUATE REFERENCING IS REQUIRED: If you use another person’s words (or their ideas) you need to reference these appropriately.
How the essay will be looked at
Does not bring in unrelated or unexplained/unsubstantiated points
Adequate engagement/depth with topic
Does not make major assumptions or dismissals of alternate views without adequate logical evidence/discussion
Does not simply regurgitate quotes in order to prove premises but engages topic on a mature level
Avoids vague or generalizing or stereotyping or inconsistent or unintelligible or needlessly technical/verbose gibberish
Gets to the point in a clear and concise way without resorting to the stuff mentioned in the previous point
I have added a PDF article I would like to be used to support the argument as a reference and this link below will be used as another reference. Do not use any other references that are not peer reviewed and make sure they are articles that I can view. If you can find peer reviewed articles off of Google Scholar that would be great.

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