‘Political Ideology and Identity:  EU Parliamentary Elections and the future of

July 7, 2024

‘Political Ideology and Identity:  EU Parliamentary Elections and the future of the EU!’
Dear Students:
Through qualitative research  you are asked to evaluate the evolution of ‘democracy’ and ‘liberal democracies’ as well as ‘modern -advanced democracies’ through parliamentary EU elections.  This case study will focus on the EU-MEPs electoral process examining the political identity and ideology from the 7 political groups representation in the EU.  see Promt as well DQ #4 Prep & RW
Mission:  This is Case Study considering  party ideologies from 7 major Political Groups that will elect the MEPs of the EU Parliament in June 6-9th, 2024. 
The following are the political groups that will influence the next 5 years of policies in the EU and the future of the EU as an institution, supporting its democratic principles and evolving into a supranational entity.
European Political Parties for the EU Parliament and MEP Elections: 
European People’s PartyLinks to an external site.
Party of European SocialistsLinks to an external site.
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe PartyLinks to an external site.
European Democratic PartyLinks to an external site.
European Green PartyLinks to an external site.
European Free AllianceLinks to an external site.
Identity and Democracy Party (previously Movement for a Europe of Nations and Freedom)Links to an external site.
European Conservatives and Reformists Party (previously Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe)Links to an external site.
Party of the European LeftLinks to an external site.
European Christian Political MovementLinks to an external site.
Guidelines to Consider for your Research: ****Please utilize these questions to formulate your essay and critical opinion.  
How are voters with postmodern values likely to regard each EU Political Party Ideology/MEP representation? How might parties adapt to these new voters?
How is immigration affecting politics in developed democracies where it is occurring on a large scale? What could promote integration? What could promote polarization?
How policies such as circular economy and Net Zero Act, climate change, gender equality and security development will be impacted by the polarization of political group members ideology rising up in the upcoming MEPs EU election?
Can the European member states sustain their sovereignty through MEPs policy making and foresee an Ultra- European sovereignty through EU elections, either creating a supranational entity or sustain its character as is?
Research Guidelines: 
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/topics/enLinks to an external site.
https://elections.europa.eu/en/Links to an external site.
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/homeLinks to an external site.
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2023/747102/EPRS_BRI(2023)747102_EN.pdfLinks to an external site.
Use the proper APA/Chicago Style Format (paraphrase correctly with in text citation) refer to ‘pages’ tab or ‘announcement tab’ for more info.  Thorough qualitative research 3-4 resources and not wikipedia use the ‘Pages’ tab for extra research references.
Include a Bibliography and don’t get off Topic!!!
****no Wikipedia… etc. please check module links or ‘pages’ tab. 

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