The prompt for this essay is as follows: As you have learned throughout this sem

July 5, 2024

The prompt for this essay is as follows: As you have learned throughout this semester, we have three components that make up the criminal justice system: Law Enforcement (Police), Courts (Judges, District Attorney’s, Defense Counsel), and Corrections (Prisons, Jails, Probation/Parole). The theme of our textbook talks about individual rights and public order rights. I want you to discuss the three core components (law enforcement, courts, and corrections) of the criminal justice system and how the criminal justice system works within public order and individual rights.. I want you to explain how individual rights and public order rights work in the criminal justice system. Should these be balanced? Or should one outweigh the other? Should the public order advocates supersede individual rights or is the government overstepping its bounds? You can also include your personal experiences that can help explain your perspective that you align with. 

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