I submitted a request for my thesis/dissertation to be written a few months ago.

July 5, 2024

I submitted a request for my thesis/dissertation to be written a few months ago. The dissertation I received was very bad and I failed the module. I am submitting for a different writer to write it to a much better standard. I have attached the original marked dissertation that got 35/100 – read the feedback from this and use it to make sure the one that you write is MUCH MUCH better. I also expect a plagrism and ai report to make sure all work is original. 
If you need any further information, please let me know. Below is some structure – but feel free to take it in your own direction. 
Dissertation overview 
Topic Overview: This dissertation will explore the role of blockchain technology in transforming electoral systems. It will delve into the advancements made, the challenges encountered, and the broader implications for democratic governance.
Discourse focus: broadly summarise the academic and/or public discussion around the use of blockchain in democratic elections (e.g., citation analysis of different academic communities, thematic analysis of the different themes covered in these discourse and their relative prevalence, etc. etc.)
Possible Theoretical Debates:
Digital Democracy vs. Traditional Electoral Integrity: Engagement with the debate between proponents of digital democracy, who argue for the transformative potential of blockchain, and traditionalists who emphasize the tried-and-tested methods of electoral integrity. (Exploring this from a tech standpoint)
Techno-optimism vs. Techno-skepticism: Exploring the tension between techno-optimism, which views technology as a panacea for electoral flaws, and techno-skepticism, which warns of over-reliance on technology and potential unforeseen consequences. (Exploring this from a tech standpoint)
Research Questions:
How has blockchain technology been integrated into electoral systems globally?
What are the key challenges faced in implementing blockchain in electoral processes?
In what ways does blockchain technology impact the principles of democratic governance?
Relevant Links/articles/scholarly articles 
Designing an E-Voting Framework Using Blockchain Technology: A Case Study of Oman (currently don’t have access)  – https://www.igi-global.com/article/designing-an-e-voting-framework-using-blockchain-technology/298203
An Analytical View on Political Voting System using Blockchain Technology – UAE Case Study – https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9075074
Process Digitalization using Blockchain: EU Parliament Elections Case Study – https://www.scitepress.org/PublishedPapers/2021/102290/102290.pdf 
Development of a Distributed Blockchain eVoting System – https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3345035.3345080
“Blockchain Technology in Electoral Systems: Advancements, Challenges, and Implications for Democratic Governance”:  Research Methods for Dissertation: “Blockchain Technology in Electoral Systems: Advancements, Challenges, and Implications for Democratic Governance” 
I. Introduction
– Brief overview of the research topic.
– Importance of understanding blockchain technology in electoral systems.
– Statement of research objectives.  
II. Theoretical Framework
– Discussion of theoretical debates surrounding blockchain in electoral systems.
– Formulation of research questions based on theoretical considerations. 
III. Literature Review
– Comprehensive review of existing literature on blockchain technology and its application in electoral systems.
– Identification of gaps in current research and theoretical understanding. 
IV. Research Methodologies
1. **Library Research and Publication Analysis**
– Description of the process of gathering and analyzing academic literature and public documents.
– Explanation of the relevance of library research in understanding the theoretical underpinnings of blockchain technology in elections.
2. **Case Studies**
– Explanation of the methodology for selecting and analyzing case studies of countries implementing blockchain in elections.
– Discussion of the criteria for evaluating the success and challenges of blockchain adoption in electoral processes.
3. **Content and Discourse Analysis**
– Overview of the methods used to conduct content and discourse analysis on media reports, public forums, and academic discourse.
– Explanation of how this analysis contributes to understanding public perception and expert opinions on blockchain in elections.
4. **Surveys and Interviews**
– Description of the process of designing and conducting surveys and interviews with relevant stakeholders.
– Discussion of the importance of gathering primary data to supplement existing knowledge and insights.
5. **Focus Groups**
– Explanation of the rationale for organizing focus group discussions and the methodological approach adopted.
– Identification of the target participants and the themes explored in focus group sessions. 
V. Data Analysis
– Explanation of the analytical techniques employed for each research method.
– Presentation of findings from library research, case studies, content analysis, surveys, interviews, and focus groups.  
VI. Discussion
– Integration of findings to address research questions and theoretical debates.
– Critical analysis of the implications of blockchain technology in electoral systems for democratic governance. 
VII. Conclusion
– Summary of key findings and their implications.
– Recommendations for future research and policy implications.  
VIII. References
– Bibliography of all sources cited in the dissertation.
IX. Appendices
– Supplementary materials such as survey questionnaires, interview transcripts, and additional data analysis.

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