Write a 2-4 page double-spaced letter (standard 12 point font and MINIMUM of 2 F

July 3, 2024

Write a 2-4 page double-spaced letter (standard 12 point font and MINIMUM of 2 FULL
pages) to me addressing the following:
1. What does gender studies and/or feminism mean to you? If you aren’t sure what any of
this is or what it means to you, discuss that.
2. What brings you to this class, or why are you interested in gender/feminist studies?
3. What are your goals for the course; what do you hope to get out of the course?
4. What will you do this semester to try to achieve those goals, or how will you set yourself
up for success?
5. Do you have any worries or concerns about the course?
If there is anything else you would like to share with me, feel free to do so in this letter.
**In this letter, you are required to quote directly, at least 3 times, from course materials we have
already been assigned. You must include 3 different course materials, quoting from each, one
time (you may include more than 3 sources and you may quote more than 3 times, if you like.)
The course materials from which you may choose 3 are:
•Read: “Claiming an Education,” Adrienne Rich
• View: “The Danger of a Single Story” by Chimamanda Adichie
• Read: “Christmas Cookies Won’t Control Me This Holiday. How I Exorcised My Inner Patriarch,” by
Elizabeth Grey
 View: “What Is Feminism?”, Novara Media, 2020
 Read: “What Is Patriarchy?” by Eliza Anyangwe and Melissa Mahtani, CNN, 2023
 Read: selections from Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay
 View: “Why Does Privilege Make People So Angry?” with Franchesca Ramsey, Decoded | MTV News,
MTV Impact
In short, you will: include the title and author of the course material, place quotation marks
around the words you are using, and place the page number or numbers in parentheses after the
second quotation mark (if there are page numbers). 

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