Step 1: Choosing an AI Image Generator:  Which AI Image Generator did you use? 

June 29, 2024

Step 1: Choosing an AI Image Generator: 
Which AI Image Generator did you use? 
Step 2: Prepare your prompt
Step 3: Generating Images
Use the chosen tool to generate the image based on your prompt. Follow the tool’s instructions to input your prompt and initiate the generation process. Depending on the tool, this may involve typing a description, selecting options, or using a visual interface.
Step 4: Customizing and Tweaking
You can experiment with various settings and options within the AI tool to personalize and fine-tune the generated images. This will ensure that your graphics accurately represent your problem. You can also modify your prompt and re-generate it. 
Step 5: Saving and Exporting
Each has prompt and image needing 6-8
Part 2: Developing Your Script
In Module 7, you will create 2-3 voiceovers or AI videos to communicate your quantitative and qualitative findings. Review your M2:Problem and Hypothesis Template. Take a look at Part 2: Defining Your Problem and Hypothesis – Step 1: Define the Problem and M3: Researching Your Problem. For your voiceover and AI Video, you will use the Who, What, Where, When, How, and Why and research your problem text to create your script.  You can edit your text before you get started. 
Step 1: Selecting a Chatbot
Take a moment to review the AI Chatbots.
Step 2:  Gathering Key information
Step 3:  Defining the Purpose
Step 4: Creating Your Prompt
Step 5: Generating Your Script
Step 6: Edit and Customize
Step 7: Finalize the Script
I will attach the information for the defining your problem and hypothesis, the define problem and researching your problem

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