please check the attached files 25 points- Excellent work. To earn 25 points fo

June 26, 2024

please check the attached files
25 points- Excellent work.
To earn 25 points for the summary paper:
• It is clear that you watched both films in their entirety and considered the myriad concepts and perspectives in each with an open mind, conscious of your own socialization and behaviors.
• You are able to consider Derek Vinyard’s experience objectively, as a product of his experiences.
• You are able to consider Derek Vinyard’s criminality subjectively, from the perspective of American society which needs to hold deviance accountable and punish accordingly.
• Your application to a criminological from our textbook should be thorough, describing in detail how Vinyard’s experience is illustrated by the theoretical perspective.
• You are able to reference concepts from both films in both questions. It wasn’t asked for in the instructions for the first question, but thorough thinking means accessing all sorts of additional information to describe an issue.
• Spelling, grammar, and syntax is college-level, and your response is organized and developed.

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