In this regard, employing this week’s reading assignments, and ensuring your wri

June 25, 2024

In this regard, employing this week’s reading assignments, and ensuring your written responses are distinguishable from each other and follow the same sequence and order the questions are presented:
Explain how an organization’s cybersecurity program, particularly those operating in the DHS 16 critical infrastructure sectors, support our national security interests and, at the same time, add business value to its own assets. Use examples to enhance your response.
Discuss how organizations can partner with CISA to build a stronger cybersecurity workforce that serves both national and organizational pursuits.
Describe the technological advances that could potentially be exploited through such public – private partnerships to more effectively protect assets. Provide examples using authoritative resources to support your response.
From this week’s assigned readings, select one example of a public-private partnership. Describe what goals the partnership has, what industries it supports, and whether you believe the partnership serves its goals or meets its mission and how it does or does not serve its goals or meet its mission.

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