Prepare a 15-minute narrated poster on the following:  Critically evaluate two p

June 25, 2024

Prepare a 15-minute narrated
poster on the following: 
Critically evaluate two perspectives/theories of grieving across the lifespan.
contemporary research to support your answer. 
The narrated PowerPoint presentation should be 15 minutes in duration. The
PowerPoint presentation should include a reference list on a separate slide. 
Please note that exceeding the narration duration will result in a reduction in
grade proportionate to the amount of time exceeded.
The poster must include the following three parts: 
a) Introduction
• Introduce and define the key concepts.
• Provide a concise overview of what you would be presenting in your poster. 
b) Main body of the presentation
• Discuss your two chosen theoretical theories/perspectives, providing a critical
overview of the two, i.e., providing more than a description of the theories but
demonstrating your understanding of the theories by critically reflecting on their
strengths, limitations and how effectively each theory/perspective explains
Grieving across the lifespan (e.g., stages of grief, relevance to difference
lifestages, etc.)
c) Conclusion
• You could explain the importance of and the significance of your chosen
theories to our overall knowledge and understanding of perspectives of
• Your conclusion should address the key concepts referred to in the

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