nnotated Bibliography: Section one should contain an annotated bibliography with

June 25, 2024

nnotated Bibliography: Section one should contain an annotated bibliography with five peer-reviewed
academic articles that relate to the proposed study. These peer-reviewed articles must be (1) empirical
studies and (2) published in academic journals. Keep in mind that other sources outside of these
requirements can be used for the brief introduction. This section should be written like a standard
annotated bibliography (citation and summary) and all citations should be in APA-7 format. Students
may not plagiarize or use generative AI! Please note that ChatGPT and similar AI programs generate
nonexistent studies. An example annotation can be found on the course Canvas page.
Study Introduction and Description: Section two should begin with a brief introduction to your proposal.
This brief (1-2 paragraphs) introduction should include pertinent background information for your study,
setting up your proposal nicely. Any information not deemed general knowledge requires a citation,
please provide an in-text citation if the source is already included in the annotated bibliography or
provide the full citation in a reference page at the end of your proposal. This section should include 2 – 5
additional sources beyond what is included in the annotated bibliography. This section should also
include your research question(s) and hypothesis(es), if applicable. When including a hypothesis,
students should identify if the hypothesis is non-directional or directional and the directionality of the
hypothesis. Last, this section should include the identification and explanation of the study’s purpose
(exploratory, explanatory, evaluation or descriptive as well as pure or applied), time dimension (if
longitudinal, which type), and either a quantitative or mixed methods approach.
**For the draft – if the hypothesis is directional, the directionality is not needed. We have not discussed
this yet. Students may attempt to include this and will not be penalized for doing so**
All other elements (see rubric), including a reference page, should be incorporated.

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