Case File: Ryan Thompson Ryan Thompson, an 18-year-old Caucasian male, is a high

June 24, 2024

Case File: Ryan Thompson
Ryan Thompson, an 18-year-old Caucasian male, is a high school senior attending Richlands High School in a rural neighborhood. He lives with his parents and two younger siblings. Ryan exhibits symptoms indicative of suicidal ideation and depression. Over the past several months, Ryan has experienced overwhelming feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and despair, which have significantly impacted his daily functioning. He struggles to find pleasure in activities he once enjoyed and often withdraws from social interactions with friends and family. Ryan has been experiencing frequent thoughts of death and dying, expressing feelings of worthlessness and a belief that his loved ones would be better off without him. He has also engaged in self-harming behaviors, such as cutting, as a means of coping with emotional pain. Ryan’s academic performance has declined, and he has missed several days of school due to his emotional distress. Despite his parents’ attempts to provide support, Ryan feels increasingly isolated and disconnected from others. He has not disclosed his suicidal thoughts to anyone out of fear of burdening his family and friends. However, his symptoms continue to escalate, prompting concerns about his safety and well-being. Intervention and support are urgently needed to address Ryan’s suicidal ideation and provide him with the necessary resources to cope with his mental health struggles.
Instructions: read the case file, Ryan Thompson. Provide the following details in your analysis: client demographics, presenting problem, diagnostic impressions, etiology of the problem/disorder, and treatment recommendations. 

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