Write at least a three (3) paragraph post in which you explain what should be do

June 24, 2024

Write at least a three (3) paragraph post in which you explain what should be done to protect evidence at a crime scene, and list 3 things that should be done to document the scene before removing any evidence.  Also, define Chain of Custody and explain it’s significance and how it is properly maintained for trial.
Include the following in your post:
1. In your initial post you must have at least 300 words and at least 9 of the key terms provided from your reading; identify them by highlighting them in bold print.
2. Cite evidence in 7th edition APA form from multiple sources (module readings, videos, etc.).  Your initial post must have at least 2 References and 3 In-text Citations.
3. Peer Review:  Provide feedback to at least 2 of your classmates on their post. Each response must be at least 150 words and contain at least 1 Reference and 2 In-text Citations.  You may include a comment with a helpful recommendation for each category. You may also suggest an industry publication or scholarly article for your peer to consider for further study. Content will be graded.  
Mandatory Key Terms
-Ballistics expert
-Blood alcohol
-Blood typing
-Chain of custody
-Computer-generated model
-DNA evidence
-Certified Forensics Computer Examiner
-Latent prints
-Laying the foundation
-Real evidence
Mandatory Reference Chapter 7 Only
Hails, J. (2014). Criminal Evidence (8th ed.). Cengage Learning.

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