Description: Topics 5(Workplace Hiring and Retention) & 6 (Laws, Ethics, and Pol

June 23, 2024

Description: Topics 5(Workplace Hiring and Retention) & 6 (Laws, Ethics, and Policies)
At the end of group of Topic Areas, you will be asked to reflect on what you learned. The purpose is to develop an understanding of what is important to you from the Topic Area and how you can use the information in the future. This activity is meant to be somewhat personal, so these reflections are not visible to your classmates. Only your instructor will read what you write. 
Submission Guidelines: 
What is a reflection? It is not a summary of the lesson. You should not write “this lesson was about…”. You should use the word “I”. Analyze what you learned, what was important for you, how does it relate to what you already know, and how you are going to use what you learned. Your reflection can be as long or short (minimum standards below) as you want as long as it shows a true well thought out reflection. 
Your grade is based on how well thought out the reflection is and that all prompts are addressed.
Identified a theory, analysis of theory, use of examples to explain theory, other articles discussing theory, etc.
20 points: Post must be well thought out answers with proper grammar.
500 words minimum 
2 sources (APA cited)

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