The extraordinary contribution I saw made was when my coworker stepped up and se

June 22, 2024

The extraordinary contribution I saw made was when my coworker stepped up and secured a mass spirits display on the floor at a grocery store.
The Context
Mitch is my coworker, who holds the title Market Rep who sold in the display to the Giant Eagle manager Dana.
During this interaction Dana was visibly worried about bringing in a large spirits display because he was worried about theft and rate of sale. Mitch was able to anticipate these rejections and provide solutions to every counter argument he made. We made this pitch in the back office at a Giant Eagle, and had pictures of spaces available on the floor. He ultimately agreed, but then Mitch took it to another level and upsold him on a massive dump bin display by showing him what competitive stores in the area are doing.
Your Recognition of the Contribution
I did recognize this contribution, by purchasing Mitch a bottle of Buffalo Trace bourbon. I know he is a collector and enjoys bourbon just as much as me. The next week while I was out in stores I came across a bottle and bought him one to recognize the massive sale he made. He was extremely grateful that I recognized the contribution he made, and has been crushing it since then.

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