List the biological factors (at least 1) you believe are influencing the behavior that needs to change. 

April 11, 2022

Scenario 1:  Amanda has poor self-care
Amanda is 24.  She’s a nurse.  She is from a fairly good family.  She has a good relationship with her parents and has many close friends.  She has been married for 2 years and describes their relationship as “ok”. She has 2 kids, ages 4 and 2.  She does most of the parenting.  Amanda is highly motivated and has perfectionist tendencies. She describes herself as an anxious person.  Amanda also feels depressed fairly regularly, and describes herself as feeling blue.  Amanda is a very caring person and prides herself in putting other people first.  She is actively involved in her church and feels her faith deeply.  She has been gaining weight in the last few years and is currently about 25 lbs overweight.  Her diet is mostly processed foods.  Most of her focus is on doing things for other people, often at the expense of her own health.
List the biological factors (at least 1) you believe are influencing the behavior that needs to change.  Remember to provide justification for how and why you believe those factors are influencing the behavior.
List the psychological factors (at least 1) you believe are influencing the behavior that needs to change.  Remember to provide justification for how and why you believe those factors are influencing the behavior.
List the social factors (at least 1) you believe are influencing the behavior that needs to change.  Remember to provide justification for how and why you believe those factors are influencing the behavior.
Behavior Change Plan
Describe how biological factors (at least 1) will influence the change in behavior.
Describe how psychological factors (at least 1) will influence the change in behavior.
Describe how social factors (at least 1) will influence the change in behavior.
Describe the overall plan you recommend to change the person’s behavior.  Be sure to include your justification for using this plan.  Be sure to include:  a measureable goal, who is involved, resources needed, length of time, and steps/timeline (if appropriate).  The possibilities are endless and can go outside the learning of this course.  This is just how you would need to think about behavior change in the real world.  Consider 12-step programs, pharmaceuticals, social support programs, apps, etc.  Remember that your justification/evidence for why your plan is effective is just as important as the plan itself.

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