Instructions:  Watch the videos discussing Carbon Tax. Which video did you prefe

June 17, 2024

Watch the videos discussing Carbon Tax. Which video did you prefer and why? 
Visit the Carbon Tax Center to learn about the carbon tax
“What’s a Carbon Tax?” to read about it.
Answer the questions below. The total assignment must be a minimum of 500 words total (roughly one page)
Must be under 30% Turnitin score.

Answer the following questions:
– Identify and discuss the main points addressed in each video.
– Reflect on the videos. THIS IS NOT a summary, but HOW did these
videos affect you?  A video summary will be zero points. I want to know
the video’s impact on you, how you feel, what you will do with this
information, and how it impacts your work life
– Explain the Carbon Tax in your own words using the Carbon Tax Center link provided.

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