Part 1: Submit the following pages (APA format): Page 1: APA formatted title pag

June 15, 2024

Part 1:
Submit the following pages (APA format):
Page 1: APA formatted title page
Page 2: Thesis statement (see format below)
Page 3: Research and Summary
Locate THREE scholarly sources related to your topic.
With this information, write a summary (250-500 words) summarizing the information from your sources related to your topic.
Describe the topic (e.g., what is it and why is it relevant to the field)
CITE YOUR SOURCES in text and in the reference page
Do not include unsupported opinions
Page 4: Reference page of sources cited in your overview
Thesis Statement:
You need to cover a lot of information in this paper. To ensure you are on the right track with the focus of your paper, you MUST follow a prescribed thesis statement format.
Required Thesis Statement Format:
You need to include the following information in your thesis:
Overview of your topic
Historical issues associated with your topic
Ethical issues associated your topic
Strategies for promoting ethics in your topic

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