Identify a topic for your pilot study proposal. (the topic that you listed  for

June 15, 2024

Identify a topic for your pilot study proposal. (the topic that you listed  for the week 4 assignment or the revised topic)–see chapter 1 elements of research proposal. 
MY pilot study proposal is- How Mexican cartel use social media to show off their crimes and influence people
Describe the research problem that will be the focus of your pilot study proposal and discuss why it is significant. (be sure to cite sources that provide empirical evidence of the problem)–see chapter 1 elements of research proposal.  This information will be key in your Pilot Study Proposal Introduction section.
What research questions? (needed for your Pilot Study Proposal Information section and method section)–see chapter 1 elements of research proposal. 
1.  open-ended question
2. closed-ended question
3. likert scale question
4. contingency question
5. Discuss the pros and cons of each type of question. 
What is your hypothesis? (needed for your Pilot Study Proposal Information section and method section)–see chapter 2. 
This is currently the only articles that could help me but please use any other ones that 
might be better,and%20instill%20fear%20in%20enemies. 

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