Write a paper that includes (4-5 pages, double spaced): 18 pts, An in-depth summ

June 15, 2024

Write a paper that includes (4-5 pages, double spaced):
18 pts, An in-depth summary (2 pages)of the theory (at least two of the total pages). Who was the theorist? What was the context in which he developed his theory (time, place, influences, etc.?) What are the key components of the theory? Be comprehensive and detailed. Use at least three educational resources to gather information about this theory. Our textbook can be one of your sources(Understanding the Whole Child). Use in-text citations(5 pts).
8 pts, One or more criticisms of the theory. What elements of the theory have experts determined to be inaccurate or wrong? What are the shortcomings of this theory? Are there aspects of the theory (such as how research was conducted) that raise ethical issues? Fully explain the criticism(s) and ethical issue(s). Use in-text citations.
10 pts, TWO examples of how this theory compares and contrasts with your own experience and beliefs about how children develop. Relate the theory to your own life — it could be your childhood, a child you know, your own children. You do not have to agree or disagree with the theory, just relate it to your real life experiences. Be detailed and specific.
10 pts, TWO examples of how your interactions with children will be influenced or guided by this theory. Now that you know about this theory, how might you use it when you are with children? What parts of the theory will you use? In other words, how can you apply this theory in the real world? These should be specific applications of theory.
5 pts, A reference page in APA  format (in addition to 4-5 pages). If you prefer to use MLA format, that’s fine.
Optional: Earn 3 BONUS POINTS: On a separate page, attach a graphic or chart (from one of your sources) that visually represents this theory.
Organize your paper with the headings: Summary, Criticism, Compare and Contrast, Applications of the Theory. Conclude your paper with a reference page.

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