What is the most important factor in choosing to run a UC? Speed of the results

June 14, 2024

What is the most important factor in choosing to run a UC? Speed of the
results or the potential for greater charges from a grand jury
indictment? Explain your answer.
Choosing the UC is a process. Is it based on speed, potential charges, or is it tactical?
View the information  https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/local/flagler/2017/07/04/expert-undercover-stings-important-tool-for-police/20376988007/  as a helpful aid…
Why is an UC investigation useful in a child sex case?
Can you determine which if any aspect of the investigation steps below  is most critical?
Method of Conducting Undercover Investigations
Development of a cover story– 
Agent reports–
Content, Presentation, and Receipt of Reports
Daily Activity Report (DAR) – 
Statement of Witness Report (SOR) – 
Time Frame for Results
Fitzgerald, D. G. (2015). Informants, cooperating witnesses, and undercover investigations: A practical
guide to law, policy, and procedure (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.

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