Please answer three of the following questions. The total word limit for this co

June 13, 2024

Please answer three of the following questions.
The total word limit for this coursework is 3,500 words, including references, and the word limit.
Per question is 1,500 words. (Note: the 1,500 word limit for individual answers does not change the overall coursework word limit of 3,500 words; it is intended to give you flexibility to make some responses slightly longer than others).
Essays must be cited using OSCOLA
Using differnt schools of thought and opinions :
A separate bibliography is not
‘Brexit has irrevocably damaged the UK Constitution’.
(Please mention material/ cases if applicable from: Fairhurst, Morano-Foadi and Neller,
Chapter 4.
N. MacCormick, ‘Beyond the Sovereign State’ (1993) 56 1 Modern Law Review
‘The lack of horizontal direct effect for directives has necessitated the evolution of a new doctrine of State Liability in EU law. This is a misstep however: the concept of
state liability should be an exclusive matter for national constitutional systems.’
(Please mention material/cases if applicable from:
•Defrenne v Sabena (No. 2) C-43/75
•1963 Van Gend en Loos C-26/62
Fairhurst, Morano-Foadi, Neller, Chapter 8.
Paul Craig, ‘The Legal Effect of
Directives: Policy, Rules and Exceptions’
(2009) 34 3 European Law Review 349-377.)
Examine the strengths and weaknesses of the European Single Market.
(You may wish to examine the weakness of Single Market regulation, or you may wish to investigate the position of the UK post-Brexit).
(Please mention material/cases if applicable from:
* Case C-413/99 Baumbast v. Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2002] ECR I-7091 (expelling German family not insured to cover possible burden violates proportionality)
* Case C-524/06 Huber v Bundesrepublik Deutschland [2008] ECR I-9705. (system that did not collect profile information from Germans for crime-fighting violated Article 18 TFEU)

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