Provide a topic (organized crime) and the two theories (Rational Choice & Social

June 12, 2024

Provide a topic (organized crime) and the two theories (Rational Choice & Social Learning) you intend to use to help shed light on that topic. 
Final proofed version of your paper with at least 10 full in-text citations and matching reference page(s). 
Between 8-10 (double-space) full pages of text. 
Citation Style and Supporting Evidence: 
Part III of the paper should contain at least 10 scholarly referred journals, academic books and/or other appropriate sources.  All material that is not common knowledge, such as who the President of the United States is, needs to be cited. 
Cite all your sources using ASA citation style. If you aren’t familiar with the intricacies of citation styles, there are plenty of resources on the internet that will help you and, in the following pages, I have included information on how to do this.

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