We have covered a lot of material in this course related to Domestic Violence &

June 12, 2024

We have covered a lot of material in this course related to Domestic Violence & the Criminal Justice Response. This discussion provides an opportunity for you to reflect on and demonstrate what you have learned and think critically about how you will apply this knowledge in your future career, professional, or personal life. 
The topics we have covered/will cover include: 
Module 1
Introduction to DV, prevalence, definitions 
Overview of help-seeking and resources available for survivors of DV
Module 2
Law Enforcement Responses 
Risk & danger assessments for DV
Module 3
civil, criminal, and specialized DV courts 
legal needs and remedies available for DV victims/survivors
Module 4
Overview of Offenders, Offender-Based Interventions, & Effective Responses 
Batterer Intervention Programs (BIPs) 
Coordinated Community Responses (CCRs) 
Module 5
Intersections between DV and other crimes
Stalking & Online and Cyber Dating and Partner Abuse
Child Abuse, Childhood exposure to DV, Sexual Assault, Elder Abuse
Module 6
DV & Special Populations
Youth/Dating Violence
American Indian and Alaska Native
and in our final module, we will cover a critically important topic: DV & Special Populations . Though you will not be graded on Special Populations, the module is open and available to you if you would like to review those materials before responding to this discussion. 
As you reflect on the material you have read, reviewed, and listened to, pick a minimum of five (5) NEW things you learned throughout the semester. Things you learned could be a construct or term, definition, statistic, program, service, response., etc. You must respond to all parts and answer all questions to earn full credit for this discussion. Initial posts and replies should be written in complete sentences with appropriate spelling and grammar. Please be sure to number your answers (e.g., 1. The most important things I have learned are…. 2. These are the most important to know because….., etc.). DBs that are submitted as one long paragraph will not be graded. 
**BONUS** Even though we have not yet covered Special Populations, you will be awarded up to 1 bonus point for incorporating Special Populations into your discussion. For example, you may discuss something you learned about the police response to DV, but you recognize that it may look different for people residing in predominantly Black or Indigenous communities.
Part I – Reflect on what you have learned in this course   
1. Describe the 5+ new things you learned in this course that resonated with you and felt most important to you. (100-300 words) 
Pick one new thing from each module. You should have at least one new thing that you learned from each module, including this week. Be sure to be specific and use examples where applicable. Make you sure discuss why these items resonated or felt most important to you. 
2. Explain why these 5+ things are important to know in the context of domestic violence. (100-300 words) 
For this question, you should explain why these things are important to know in the context of DV more broadly – think beyond just why they are important to you, but why they are important for others. 
Part II – Think about how you will apply this knowledge in the future  
3. Discuss how you may integrate this knowledge into your future career, professional, or even personal life. (100-300 words) 
4. From a professional standpoint, talk about who else should be aware of what you learned this week (e.g. teachers, nurses, etc) and why (50-200 words)

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