Describe and explain the unique challenges associated with the increase in priso

June 12, 2024

Describe and explain the unique challenges associated with the increase in prisoners with ties to terrorism and other extremist groups. Develop a plausible approach that prison administrators could implement in tackling some of the most significant challenges.
submission to the assignment must be a minimum of 3 full pages with APA 7th edition citations and references.
Each student submission MUST be uploaded as a Word Doc attachment. 
All assignments must be written in an academic tone. Remember, an academic essay is not to be written like you are having a casual conversation with your friends. Do not include slang or foul language unless you are quoting someone.
Lengthy direct quotes are not permitted. Direct quotes, if used, must be limited to a few words. As university students, you are expected to paraphrase and cite. For more information on properly citing sources in your assignments please refer to the APA 7th edition manual. While the assignments are to include an examination of current research of a particular problem, they also need to include the student’s careful and informed analysis of the problem. 
Remember each assignment must be submitted as a Word Doc attachment. You must use a 12-point Times New Roman font. Margins will also need to be 1 inch.
Each assignment will need to include the following:
An APA formatted title page.
The original question is at the top of the essay (serves as the abstract).
The body of your response must be a minimum of 3 pages.

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