please define and describe all 10 professional dispositions found in the attachm

May 23, 2024

please define and describe all 10 professional dispositions found in the attachments. Engage in self reflection of how each disposition impacts your role as a graduate student and future counseling professional discuss the 10 professional dispositions and how they dispositions impact graduate students behavior, and how it will impact your upcoming role as a professional counselor. Contemplate The meaning of being a professional gradual student and preparing to become a professional counselor. please cite at least 4 scholarly sources and include a reference section at the end. All 3 types of citations must be used (normal, narrative, and direct quote citations) My professor has sent out an email stating that he is not expecting us to pass this essay on the first round. He will send the paper back with his critiques and then we will resubmit so I am not looking for a paper at this time.

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