Research and referencing Wherever you discuss, summarise, paraphrase or quote a

May 21, 2024

Research and referencing
Wherever you discuss, summarise, paraphrase or quote a source you must provide a reference.
In this task, you are required to provide a minimum of 6 academic sources. At least 2 of these
sources published in the last 24 months.
Appropriate academic sources include:
• credible peer-reviewed sources such as journal articles, academic books, book chapters in
edited books, and government reports. Publications available electronically, such as from
The Trends and Issues series from the Australian Institute of Criminology and the NSW
Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research can be used.
• Newspapers or magazine articles and internet webpages are not appropriate sources for
this task. They should only be used in conjunction with academic sources. You should also
avoid encyclopaedic entries and textbooks (particularly your course textbook).
Please follow APA 7 style of in-text references and the reference list. See the ACU Library guide:

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