Birth and death dates of killer  Discuss the childhood of your serial killer. Ma

May 20, 2024

Birth and death dates of killer 
Discuss the childhood of your serial killer. Make sure you point out any warning signs in their childhood that may have led to his/her later crimes. 
Discuss the relationship of your serial killer to the members of his/her family. 
Discuss the young adult portion of his/her life. Did he/she graduate from school, get a job, get married, etc.? 
What early crimes did he/she commit? (Robbery, assault, etc.?) 
A timeline of the serial killer’s killings and an explanation of these killings 
Describe his/her serial killer crimes. What did he/she do? Who did he/she target? Did he/she have a signature (for example, leave a sign on each body?)? What type of serial killer was your killer? Did he/she keep any trophies? – Explain everything thoroughly!!!! 
How did he/she get caught? What was his/her prison sentence? 

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