Essay on Women’s Work in Historical Context Write an essay of approximately 1500

May 20, 2024

Essay on Women’s Work in Historical Context
Write an essay of approximately
1500–2000 words that covers a topic of importance in the history of women’s
work. For example, you may want to compare the work situations of different
women, analyze how different women contributed to Canada’s settler colonial
economy, learn more about the pay and working conditions of young women in
early factories, or examine the attitudes and expectations relative to
motherhood in early 20th-century Canada. Give some thought to your topic selection
and try to choose something that deeply interests you.
Follow these steps to prepare your paper:
1.           Your essay
will need a clear thesis statement. Use the following questions as guidelines
in preparing your essay and thesis statement:
a. What general issue or question are you
addressing in your essay, and why is it important? Within this general issue or
question, what specific questions do you wish to answer? Write down all the
questions you have and use them to guide your reading and research.
b. what appear to be the most important findings
with respect to the specific questions you have? Can you identify any major
themes and findings? Do all authors agree on the issues you are addressing? If
not, what might explain these differing viewpoints? What types of evidence do
different authors offer in support of their views?
c. Reflecting on your reading and on your own
experience and ideas, what have you learned about the questions you started
with? What, if any, new questions have emerged?
d. What are the implications of your findings for
understanding women’s work more generally?
2.           Once you
have considered these questions, develop your thesis statement. What is the
main argument that your paper will be making regarding your topic?
3.           Please
choose peer reviewed or sources can be accessible by reader. Thank you!

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