Research and develop a Focus Paper designed around a Topic Area. Crime scene han

May 19, 2024

Research and develop a Focus Paper designed around a Topic Area. Crime scene handing from evidence identification, processing, comparative analysis, chain of custody, and court presentation is critical to the investigative process. Develop a research paper on the various methods of crime scene search, evidence identification, collection, and legal requirements for court presentation in a criminal court. This must be submitted as a Word document. 
Focus Paper – 10 points
Focus papers should contain 1250 – 1500 words (not including the title page and reference page), one-inch margins, and composed using the Times New Roman 12-point format, double-spaced. They must include a minimum of (5) scholarly references/sources and be written in APA 7th edition format. All focus papers are due by Sunday 11:59p.m EST of the week assigned.
Focus papers should use the following outlines:
1. Research paper on a focused topic area
a. Introduction – what is the theory or thesis and what is the importance of this topic?
b. Review of the relevant literature of the topic (most relevant and recent).
c. Based upon the secondary research, what are the relevant issues and what is/are the logical,
evidence-based conclusions you can draw?
d. Any recommendations for change?

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