You have to research thoroughly on different subtopics of this unit by using var

May 17, 2024

You have to research thoroughly on different subtopics of this unit by using various books, journals, news clips, articles related to electrochemical cells and corrosion, news clips and other available reliable resources on the internet. This report should be informative, attractive (colorful) and inviting for the reading. You can include mind maps, comic strips, diagrams, “Did you know” sections. Your written text should be elaborated by day to day life examples: charts, graphs, data, chemical reactions, sample examples, where it is applicable. Make it appealing to someone who has not yet studied this unit. The instructions related to this task is given below: 
a) Your report should be typed. It should include one section for each subtopic. b) The sections do not have to be the same length, but all subtopics must be included. c) The maximum number of pages for any one subtopic is three, the minimum number of pages is one. 
d) Please provide in-text citations and a complete list of references in APA 7th edition format. 
e) A summary of unit 5 is attached separately in the module for your convenience. 
Note: This assignment is to be done individually. It is plagiarism to hand in work that is very similar or identical to that of another, and plagiarizing could result in a zero.
Rubric is attached. Kindly follow the instructions carefully

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