You have to answer all the questions, stated below in your presentation, include

May 17, 2024

You have to answer all the questions, stated below in your presentation, include a detailed explanation of the topic with the help of various examples, diagrams, charts, graphs, comparative graphs, data, pictures, case scenario, what is applicable to your topic and help to communicate more effectively. Consider the following points for specific instructions. 
● Research thoroughly the topic of buffer and its application by using various reliable resources for detailed information. 
● PowerPoint should have a minimum of 15 slides and maximum of 25 slides altogether. • Reference is acceptable in both format (MLA or APA) 
● Double-space is allowed. 
● Creativity, organization, and neatness will be appreciated. 
● The evaluation will be based on the attached rubric. 
● Plagiarism is NOT acceptable. 
1. Explain, why are headache tablets buffered? Analyze how the buffering is helpful in consuming these tablets in our biological system? 
K2 T2 A4 C2 2. Describe the use of buffers in the beverage and food industry in terms of preservation especially? K2 T2 A2 C2 3. How do kidney stones form? 
K2 T2 C2 4. Research and identify two buffer systems in the Human body, Discuss and compare how it works in favour of the body? 
K2 T2 A4 C3
Presentation Rubric is attached

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