Identify the topic/issue of your term paper and explain why its is important to

May 17, 2024

Identify the topic/issue of your term paper and explain why its is important to the Chicano/a community today. 2 paragraphs for this assignment
Term paper guidelines
Purpose of this term paper is to research a particular contemporary issue and critically analyze how it affects the Chicana/o community. Students will write a 5-7-page term paper double spaced, typed, and size 12 font. It is important to include 2-3 outside sources that support your paper. The term paper can earn you up to 50 points and is due on week 16.
Issue/topic for term paper: The topic of the term paper will be an issue of your choice. In the past, students have researched issues/topics such as immigration, education, labor, health and politics to name a few. The key to a successful topic/issue is one that you find most interesting and relevant . For example, if your family suffers from diabetes then your topic could be on how diabetes affects the Chicana/o Community.
Also, make sure your issue/topic is not too general for example a topic like “Chicanos in education” is too general and difficult to write. However, a topic like “ What makes Chicanos students successful at the community college is much more specific and easier to write.
In addition, it is important to find 2-3 sources that can be referenced and cited on your issue/topic. Do not use course sources for this assignment. The online or in person librarian could be a valuable resource when looking for this material. In the event you cannot find any material/sources on the issue/topic, do not panic it just means you need to find another issue or topic .
Make sure that the issue you have chosen is contemporary/current and relevant to the Chicano/a experience. Finding a topic is the most important first step. So, spend a few hours coming up with several topics so we can discuss them during class/zoom meeting TBA.
Developing an outline is key when writing your term paper because it organizes your ideas and keeps you focus on your topic.
The following is a basic outline for your paper and consist of an introduction, body and conclusion.
I)Introduction: State why your issue/topic is important to the Chicana/o community and identify main points you will be covering in your paper
II) Body: Explain your main points and support using outside sources
A) Main point 1: Explain and support using outside sources
B) Main point 2: Explain and support using outside sources
C) Main point 3: Explain and support using outside sources
*You can have as many main points as you need
lll) Conclusion: Summarize and/or Analyze. Make sure to include solutions in your conclusion

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