Paper (20%)   and Power Point  (5%)  Times New Roman 12 ,single spaced.  12-15 p

May 16, 2024

Paper (20%)   and Power Point  (5%) 
Times New Roman 12 ,single spaced. 
12-15 pages.
Citations in APA style. 
Include at least 2 PRJ articles .
Resources should be no older than 2005
Power point  presentation : 
15- 20 slides 
20 minutes presentation plus  time for questions 
All members of  the group will present 
Throughout this course, you will engage in a project which requires you to apply the knowledge and skills that you are learning.
In this scenario, you are a Public Health official of municipality X and you are asked to develop a study related to the health status of your community , the main health problem and an strategy to address it. 
Select a community within New York State. This can be one of the boroughs of NYC (or one area, Harlem, Downtown Manhattan ..) or any city or town in NYS.
Your study will have the following components 
1.- Introduction . Description of your geographical area including: location, demography, social and economic factors. 
2. Description of the health status of population.  [as reference use  the Precede- Proceed model_ Phase 1, 2 & 3 ].Compare your data with NYS as a whole.
2.1 Epidemiological assessment
– Morbidity
– Mortality 
– Fertility
– Injuries
– Disability 
– Others
2.2 Social and Behavioral assessment 
2.3 Environmental assessment. 
3.  Health care resources and access to it.
4.- Select one health condition that you consider as a priority ( examples: diabetes, cancer, CV, accidents, suicide, teen pregnancy , infant mortality etc.  ) .
Describe the health indicators, trend during the last 10 years and SDHs impacting this health condition.  Compare with NYS
5.- Programs or interventions  existing in your community addressing the health condition selected. Describe them and how effective they are . If you want, you can visit some of the local resources to gather additional information or materials  such as flyer, brochures,  related to this health issue. 
6.- Proposal. Develop a proposal or strategy to tackle the health issue in addition to the ones already existing . Include partners to be involved , target population etc. 

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